Our Events

OSINT Master Class

The Cyber Security Club ADIT hosted a three-day hands-on master class on OSINT commencing on 12-13-14 April 2023 between 4 PM to 5 PM. In this master class, 70 students of ADIT actively participated. The Speaker was OSINT expert Rishiraj Parmar. The master class was organized under the guidance of Dr. Krunal Patel & Dr. Narendrasinh Chauhan. The master class started with a speech about OSINT's introduction which is given by Rishiraj Parmar himself.

In this master class, Rishiraj shed some light on Kali Linux, different tools of OSINT, what is the VirtualBox machine, how to discover the location of any person by just a single photo of that person, and many other different things. After teaching, the last half hour, there were practical sessions for students through which they came to know how these things work in regular life and what it is used for. Each day, a set of topics were covered followed by practical sessions.