The Cyber Security Club conducted its inauguration ceremony for the 2022 Batch of students. The audience included First Year students & Diploma to Degree students of ADIT, all branches. The event was hosted by Tanvi Patel of the 2nd Year IT Dept., a core member of The Cyber Security Club, and commenced at 2 P.M. The event was accomplished with the support of Professor Neha Chauhan and a team of volunteers. Dr. Krunal Patel addressed the 2022-23 batch of students about the present cyber world and introduced our club.
It was followed by an interactive conversation with Rishiraj Parmar, co-founder of The Cyber Security Club, ADIT. He pointed out the importance of cybercrime awareness. The follow-up included a Q&A session related to the topic and queries of the audience. Moving further, Tej Kothadiya of IT 2nd Year, the founder of the Cyber Security Club, concluded the event with his speech which included a brief introduction to the club and shed some light on real-world problems and facts. Lastly, membership forms were provided and interested students were asked to join the club. The event concluded at 3:15 p.m.