A. D. Patel Institute of Technology (constituent collage of C.V.M) is proud to launch The Cyber Security Club!!! . . . It is mandated to provide industry focused and industry-driven hands-on courses in Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking. Cyber Security Club strives to narrow the gap between the academic approach to cyber security and ethical hacking domains as currently provided by the educational institutions and the practically oriented approach as demanded by the industry. We are offering a wide variety of hands-on workshops and seminars for beginners as well as experts in Network Security, Application Security, Information Security, Operational Security, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity and many more. End-user education addresses the most unpredictable cyber-security factor: people. Anyone can accidentally introduce a virus to an otherwise secure system by failing to follow good security practices. Teaching users to delete suspicious email attachments, not plug in unidentified USB drives, and various other important lessons is vital for the security of any organization.
The Cyber Security Club conducted its inauguration ceremony for the 2022 Batch of students. The audience included First Year students & Diploma to Degree students of ADIT, all branches.
The guest speaker for the workshop was Dr. Ravi Sheth.The workshop started by felicitating our guest Dr. Ravi Sheth.
The Cyber Security Club conducted the inauguration of their club and an expert talk on the matter of cyber security on 5th August,2022 to create awareness about cybercrimes
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